Executive Coaching Package

- Performance through consciousness

The leadership of the future

Leaders… Whether you are at a stage where you want to take on a new challenge to achieve your ambitions and evolve to the ‘next level’, or whether you are already mature on your journey of personal growth and consciousness and are looking to create your longstanding legacy upon an organisation, this package has been created for you.

Scientific analysis of leadership qualities

The package includes...

Physical – Orthomolecular blood test (via finger) for a broad overview of potential imbalances.
Mental – Barrett Leadership Values assessment: a values-based 360-degree assessment of your leadership qualities.
Spiritual – Psychological Energy Assessment, mapping energy balance/imbalance.

A follow-up 90 min session after each assessment to interpret the results of the 3D analyses.

A dashboard of self-knowledge created from the assessment results available to keep for future reference.

Nine tailored coaching sessions of 1 hour each using your personal dashboard to guide your onward leadership journey.

Results will be visible as…

This 12-session journey will enhance your consciousness, allowing you to:

  • Navigate episodes of stress
  • Manage energy-draining situations
  • Balance the 3 dimensions for improved wellbeing
  • Perform more efficiently
  • Help those around you to develop their consciousness and performance

Open, honest and authentic Dialogue will be the foundation of these sessions, in which we will co-create a path for your ongoing journey towards being a more conscious and inspirational leader.

The cost and duration is…

The duration of this journey is three months. During the first month, sessions are weekly, adjusting to a less intense schedule in line with need and availability.

All included for 9500 € ex VAT.

Just imagine what your positive contribution to collective consciousness growth could trigger for humanity as a whole, helping to face the local and global challenges of today… and tomorrow.

And it’s all worth it because…

This course is not only an instant fix (results can be observed right from the initial sessions) but it is also a long-term, profound understanding on how to effectively deal with any future imbalances that will show up in your life. It is not about how to prevent these imbalances from happening in the future, it is about how to effectively deal with them when they occur.

This is an intense, liberating journey in which you will awaken your consciousness to enable you to grow your courage and your capabilities and harness them to realise your authentic ambitions.

Your legacy will include:

  • Culture shift
  • Conscious transformation
  • Outstanding performance
  • Spreading awareness of the benefits of increased consciousness
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